InfoReady's Listserv
Let's stay in touch
Join InfoReady's listserv to keep up to date on news and product announcements. And connect with fellow InfoReady admins across the world to share tips and tricks...and templates. Choose to receive messages as they are posted or daily/weekly digests of posts.
Keep our community enjoyable for all
The following guidelines and rules are in place to encourage positive, helpful dialogue and discussions. If you feel someone is violating these, please message Now let's get connected!
The purpose of the list is to promote discussion of research best practices, InfoReady tips and tricks, interesting competition ideas or InfoReady uses, etc.
Please include your name, email, and institution on all postings.
Please include a clear and concise topic in the subject line.
Do not send out of office messages to the listserv. This may require creating a rule in Outlook or your email provider.
If you wished to be removed from the listserv, please do not message the list.
Please use the unsubscribe link in a listserv email or email with your request.
Send thank you and supportive messages to the relevant user, not the list.
Only send a message to the entire list when it makes sense to do so.
For lengthy posts please include "Long Message" in the subject.

Conversations must be civil. Any derogatory or abusive language will be removed and the user may lose posting privileges.
List conversations will be visible to all users. Don't post anything you would not like to be seen by the entire group.
No commercial messages or job postings should be posted on the listserv.
InfoReady may reproduce content on the listserv to benefit other users.
Do not SPAM the listserv with any off topic subjects, jokes, chain letters, etc.
Request connection with other users on an individual basis, do not message the entire list.
Do not collect user emails for other uses.